I started filming the film by shooting a montage over the course of many days. The scene is just me doing my daily task. And so I was filming whenever I was doing something that I wanted to include in the scene. I didn’t have this scene in my original plan but I felt like it would be a cool montage so I added it in to replace another montage.
I wanted to start a bit slow and then film the actual important scenes later when I feel more comfortable and had more filming experience. These small short montage clips is my way of experimenting with the equipment that I borrowed (the mic) and experimenting with the camera settings.
This is also when I figured out that it would be best to film from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. or during the mornings from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. because at this time of day, the sun was going down or up, the sunset/sunrise and the of the light outside gave a natural blue tint that I wanted.
Since these particular scenes are a bit random, I could have filmed them at any time. So whatever I was doing I asked that I wanted to include it and I just took out the camera and set it up and filmed it. Something that was hard about filming the scenes was since I was filming over a course of days after I finished one task and finished filming, I packed all of the equipment back up therefore the next time that I filmed I would have to try to get the same composition as the previous clips. Trying to make it all look like an actual surveillance camera. I tried to achieve this by sticking masking tapes where I want to place the tripod. And marking how high I want the tripod to be. However, at one point the tapes were removed. But I still managed to get a similar angle and height. At one point I even forgot to raise the height of a tripod so it was a bit different but it still worked out.