Are the results as you anticipated?
The results are pretty much what I anticipated but I’m still a bit surprised that it’s in this position. I thought I would be more toward the economic left and social libertarian. But it’s still pretty accurate to what I expected.
I guess the main reason it’s this way is that I don’t strongly agree or disagree with many of the questions and statements. Which is why it is in this position.
Opinion on the role of government and state-sponsored media
Production should be strictly produced and decided by the people. As we are the main consumers, however, regulation should still be in place to a certain degree. Products produced outside of a country should be checked before being released to see if it’s non-offensive to the nation's ideology. I’ve noticed my country is pretty great at regulating media products that are offensive to our people and our beliefs. The decision to ban the release of some products that show bent truths of our country is always supported by us, the citizens and the consumers of the media products.
“Abominable”, “Uncharted”: Banned because of a scene showing the Nine-dash line that is used by the People's Republic of China to lay claim to parts of the South China Sea.
“The Roundup”: the depiction of Ho Chi Minh as a lawless place where Korean criminals run amuck might have been thought to give a negative image of the place and contributed to the ban.
To what extent do you plan to have an ideology easily identifiable in your media product?
My media products are more artistic and contemporary and do not touch upon political and moral ideas. However, if I ever want to make a statement then it would be the focus of the media product that I produce. Since my future project isn’t based on my ideology and beliefs, they won’t be present in my project. Though there might be unintentional hints of it in my final product. I strongly believe in gender equality and women's rights as a female myself, but my project has little connection to it so I won’t be including my ideology in it.