If it’s not obvious then you now know that I made an executive decision at the beginning of the year that I wanted to do this project alone. Well, I actually made this decision last year but anyways… There were many reasons why I decided to do this.
First of all, I was socially awkward. A new kid who moved across the country attended a new school during COVID. Having only met my teachers and classmates in person for 2 months at most due to COVID. So to solve that and don’t get into a group of people that I don’t work well with, I decided that I would be better off alone.
Secondly, I want to make EVERY SINGLE DECISION that goes into the planning and making of this film. The whole main idea and concept are derived from my own personal thoughts, emotions and experiences. And this film is the medium that I’m using to deliver them. Therefore, I’m the only one who can fully understand what I want as the outcome of this project.
Lastly, (though I think there are more reasons) I’m selfish :))). The idea that I have is so awesome in my mind that I don’t want to give credit to anyone else except myself.
There are also other technical reasons like my shooting schedule is impossible to be done with someone else as I mostly shoot after 10 PM or at 5 AM in my room. But those are pretty much the main reasons.
Anyways, here are the PROS and CONS of working alone.
All of the decisions are MINE. No arguing, no fighting with teammates. No long discussions to decide what to do.
I’m not dependent on teammates to do their work. So no long waits and pushing them to do their work.
Can film whenever I’m free as I don’t need to care if my teammates are free.
You’re the screenwriter, director, actor, producer, editor, etc. of your project. While I have skills in all areas, there are certain skills that I still lack. So the final project might be good but it can also be better if I found teammates that have better skills in the areas that I lack.
A really big problem was that I was my own producer. And there was no one there except me who had to push myself to film and get this done.
There are also many other minor tasks that need to get done. While I can do all of it myself perfectly, with deadlines for this project and other important deadlines and events from other subjects, it’s hard to get everything done in time. And in those moments, I wished I had at least one other person that could help me in completing those tasks.
In conclusion, do I regret working alone? Not really, I’m pretty happy working alone. I’m pretty skilled in all of the areas required for this project. But during the last few days of completing the project where you have so many things to complete, maybe a teammate wouldn’t be a bad idea.